Saahas Foundation Inclusive Resource Centre is a rehabilitation facility based in Dehradun that works for the empowerment of people who are marginalised and vulnerable, including persons with disabilities.

The programs designed are person-centric and accommodate adults to be engaged in an inclusive setting. We are committed to gender equality, and as such the programs are designed with a gender-inclusive approach, in accordance with the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act passed by the Government of India in 2016.

The inclusive workshop is the primary project of the company and its operations are adaptive of vocational assessment and counselling, life skills, capacity building, manufacturing and assembly line operations.

The inclusive approach is blended with the project deliverables in such a manner that it creates a comprehensive and wide range of opportunities in the area of market research, collaboration of services and institutions; aspiring to achieve the maximum level of human functioning and therefore channelling productive engagement and employment opportunity for the persons.

At the moment, as in-person attendance is critical to the success of our workshops, we are currently supporting people based in and around the city of Dehradun. As our company grows, we hope to expand our services to include those living in more remote areas of Uttarakhand.