Mission & Vision


Saahas Foundation Inclusive Resource Centre seeks to build awareness and promote engagement of people who are marginalised and vulnerable also including differently-abled adults in gainful economic activities. It aims specifically, through vocational training and skill development programs, to give employment to such adults in inclusive workspaces.

Mainstreaming is a key focus area, and we seek to incorporate this through various initiatives at Saahas Foundation Inclusive Resource Centre including those of skill development, life skills, ancillary project development, inclusive workshop, business development, project design modelling and market research.


A “not for profit” company set up with the objective to create and execute developmental programs to equip people who are marginalised and vulnerable including differently-abled persons with necessary skills and expertise to engage in production and business pursuits, earn their livelihood and live a quality life with self-esteem and a sense of identity.

The company believes that its programs will contribute in creating an enabling environment in the society for meaningful engagement of persons in economic pursuits to earn their livelihood. In this process, the company aims to reduce the dependency of persons on families, and bring them in mainstream of society.