In continuation with the theme of inclusive development ‘Saahas’ engages with the community, programs and fests which the social entrepreneurs together with seasoned professionals in the network facilitate, maximising the opportunities of strengthening employability skills and sustainable business initiatives.

‘Spring Fringe’, a fresh proposition for organisations, follows a model to empower community-driven creative interior design and handicraft in festivals, in a holistic and an inclusive environment. ‘Saahas Foundation’ was one among many participants during the Spring Fringe 2019, organised in Dehradun during 23rd and 24th March 2019.

Team Saahas believes in a success that is read in terms of achieving the social ambition of promoting inclusive development of the persons with special needs, by focussing on the vocational and business skills – identifying and addressing the needs in the market, collaborating with like-minded spaces, and achieving empowerment by developing and impacting a cultural environment where the social objectives are embedded.

‘Saahas’ had an amazing experience during the ‘Spring Fringe 2019’, demonstrating both product and business skills, synergising with various organizations with a vast variety of product range, practice exposure, communication, extensive family participation and enthusiasm, independent product demonstration by the persons enrolled in the project and a strong attempt of community convergence with Saahas.