‘Saahas Foundation’ organised a talk with Dr Sangeeta Saksena engaging community leaders, resource persons and families of Saahas associates – discussing the significance of equipping people with information about health and various aspects of basic human anatomy. The talk geared towards the need for exploring how to engage professionals bridging culture gaps, especially in a multi-cultural society, emphasizing the need for a progressive curriculum to teach people about gender, equality, sexual diversity and consent.

Dr Sangeeta shared information about her work with Enfold Proactive Health Trust, she is one of the founders’ who, dismayed at the occurrence of preventable health problems in young people, sought to promote health and provide preventive care.

Gynaecologist, author, counsellor and activist; working in the field of reproductive and sexual health for over 25 years, Dr Sangeeta Saksena is a Cofounder of Enfold Proactive Health Trust, an NGO imparting life skills-based sexuality education and child sexual abuse awareness and prevention programs in schools, colleges, the community and various stakeholders.