Ram Samuj, along with his son Deepak, makes bamboo baskets for the local Dehradun market. He is sixty-five years old and is barely able to sustain his family through the work he has been doing for the last forty-five years. There are only a handful of bamboo workers in this region and only those who have more money and skills can do well. The cost of the raw material, few marketing and retail opportunities, as well as lack of a supportive network is gradually taking its toll on craftsmen like Ram Sulaj who find it very difficult to survive on their meagre earnings.

The alternative models for economic enablement rest on making it easier for people like Ram Sulaj and Deepak to avail of resources and support. This would help the environment, increase economic viability, grant dignity and a sense of pride amongst our craftsmen.

‘Saahas Foundation’ builds multi-level partnerships in its quest for a more inclusive and equal society. Engaging the working-class community in diverse business practices, exposure and capacity building is one more facet of the work we do in this regard.